GIE Targanine has benefited from the support of our long-standing customer BASF Beauty Care Solutions (formerly Cognis France), to create a social fund. The fact that 56% of the cake price is paid into a development fund by this customer demonstrates a real commitment to improving the living and working conditions of Targanine members.

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This social fund is a valuable opportunity which makes it possible to finance social, cultural and health initiatives. It enables tangible improvements in various areas affecting women’s lives.
Social initiatives include education, vocational training and family support programs. Health initiatives cover medical services, awareness-raising and prevention programs, and measures to improve sanitary conditions.Cultural initiatives aim to promote local traditions by supporting local artists andfacilitating access to cultural events.

[mgt_header_block_wp title=”REINFORCED DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES” style=”2″ line=”0″]

All GIE Targanine cooperatives have certifications and labels that strengthen their credibility as GIE members, increasing their sales and profitability. By scrupulously following fair trade guidelines, GIE Targanine, helps cooperatives to support themselves and develop entrepreneurial principles and self-esteem.
We place particular emphasis on targeted campaigns to help women cooperative members such as distributing food baskets and organizing medical caravans for their health needs. In addition, we are committed to improving the living conditions of cooperative women by providing school. supplies for their children, and by setting up kindergartens where their children can be looked after during working hours.

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Thanks to this collaboration between BASF Beauty Care Solutions and GIE Targanine, we are working together for a better future by supporting cooperative women and promoting their personal and professional development.

[mgt_header_block_wp title=”Social actions” style=”2″ align=”center”]
[mgt_header_block_wp title=”1-WOMEN LITERACY TRAINING ” style=”2″ line=”0″]

Women’s literacy is an essential social action whose effects are felt in the short and long’term, impacting individuals, communities and societies as a whole.

In the short term, the main aim of women’s literacy programs is to provide basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic. This enables them not only to access formal education, but also to understand crucial information related to health, finance and other aspects of daily and professional life. This immediate empowerment fosters greater self- confidence and increased participation in economic, social and political life.

In the long term, the impact is considerable and multi-dimensional. Firstly, it breaks the vicious circle of poverty by offering women better-qualified and better-paid employment opportunities. Secondly, it reduces gender inequalities by empowering women to make informed decisions about their own health, that of their families and communities. Educating women cooperative members also contributes to reducing infant mortality rates and improving maternal health, as literate mothers are more likely to seek health care for themselves and for their children. In addition, women’s literacy has a positive impact on overall socio-economic development.

Women’s literacy also has a positive impact on overall socio-economic development. Educated women tend to invest more in their children’s education, creating a virtuous circle of continuous improvement. They are also more inclined to engage in civic engagement, influence policy and promote social change, strengthening the foundations for a more equitable and prosperous society.

Women’s literacy is much more than a simple acquisition of skills; it is an engine of social transformation. By investing in women’s education, we are investing in a future where empowerment, equal opportunities and socio-economic progress are within everyone’s reach. Women’s literacy is much more than a simple acquisition of skills; it is an engine of social transformation. By investing in women’s education, we are investing in a future where empowerment, equal opportunities and socio-economic progress are within everyone’s reach.

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[mgt_header_block_wp title=”2-SEtting up Pre-schools in cooperative units” style=”2″ line=”0″]

Nous investissons dans des programmes préscolaires dans des localités telles que Taitmatine, Ajddigue et Toudart, offrant aux enfants un environnement éducatif propice à leur développement.

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[mgt_header_block_wp title=”3-Campagnes médicales” style=”2″ line=”0″]

Nous organisons régulièrement des campagnes médicales pour fournir des soins de santé essentiels aux coopératrices et à leurs familles, les aidant ainsi à rester en bonne santé et à travailler dans les meilleures conditions

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[mgt_header_block_wp title=”4-Reforestation” style=”2″ line=”0″]

Reforestation de parcelles en replantant des arganiers en lieu et place des arbres morts.

[mgt_counter_wp counter_value_to=”+500″ counter_title=”Femmes bénéficiaires directes” size=”medium” align=”center” counter_icon_type=”pe7stroke” counter_icon_pe7stroke=”pe-7s-user-female” icon_position=”left” icon_color=”#f34636″ css_animation=”fadeInLeft” counter_icon=”true”]
[mgt_counter_wp counter_value_to=”65″ counter_title=”Salariés” size=”medium” align=”center” counter_icon_type=”pe7stroke” counter_icon_pe7stroke=”pe-7s-user” icon_position=”left” icon_color=”#f34636″ css_animation=”fadeInUp” counter_icon=”true”]
[mgt_counter_wp counter_value_to=”1000″ counter_title=”Tonnes d’huile d’argan exportées” size=”medium” align=”center” counter_icon_type=”pe7stroke” counter_icon_pe7stroke=”pe-7s-albums” icon_position=”left” icon_color=”#f34636″ css_animation=”fadeInRight” counter_icon=”true”]
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[mgt_icon_box_wp title_position=”right” subtitle=”Address” title=”Rue Fès, N°34 Centre Vie, QI – Tassila 80350, Agadir, MAROC” title_fontsize=”25px” css_animation=”fadeInRight” icon_type=”pe7stroke” icon_pe7stroke=”pe-7s-id” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_size=”large” icon_animation=”hvr-icon-up” icon_animation_enable=”true” css=”.vc_custom_1704984895802{padding-right: 10px !important;padding-left: 15px !important;}”][/mgt_icon_box_wp]
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